Why You Should Buy a Rick and Morty T-shirt Today

Rick and Morty T-shirt

Rick and Morty is one of the most popular shows on television right now, and buying a Rick and Morty T-shirt can make for a fantastic addition to your wardrobe or an amazing gift for a friend who enjoys the show. With the recent buzz around the show, there has never been a better time to flaunt your love of the show, especially if you’ve been watching since early on. This article will show you some of the best reasons to buy a Rick and Morty T-shirt right away!

1. Meme Magic
Rick and Morty somehow managed to do the impossible; with the power of viral media, they brought a sauce back to the future. For those who aren’t familiar, Rick and Morty recently aired a section of an episode in which Rick madly ranted about needing to get his hands on McDonald’s mid-90s promotional Mulan Szechuan sauce. This rant was a strange reference to an item that almost everyone had forgotten. At least, they had forgotten it until Rick and Morty writers brought it back up. Social media blew up with crystal-clear memories of the Szechuan sauce.

Overnight, it seemed like everyone loved this sauce and needed it as badly as Rick did. Amazingly, viral meme power seemed to take charge and, just a few weeks later, McDonald’s presented the Rick and Morty team with an industrial-sized Mulan Szechuan sauce that still remained, sealed, from original stock. The image of McDonald’s representatives presenting the sauce to the writing team went viral in its own right.

2. A Keepsake for The Remembrance of a Fantastic Show
If you remember the public mania over “The Simpsons” in the 90s, you’ll surely remember how popular Simpsons shirts and memorabilia were. These days, Simpsons shirts are still popular, but classic shirts are both valuable and enviable for their depiction of the show’s amazing legacy.

At its current trajectory, Rick and Morty seems destined for long-term fame. While it may not be able to dethrone the cultural impact champion that is The Simpsons, it’s likely to make its mark on television history. Rick and Morty is one of a small handful of comedy cartoons that has managed to reach mainstream appeal in addition to the niche audiences that gave it early success.

Buying a Rick and Morty T-shirt lets you have an incredible, permanent reminder of the show in its prime, and can serve as a keepsake of the many laughs the writers and creators of the show were able to share with their fans. If you’ve ever seen a piece of nostalgic memorabilia and been reminded of something you once loved, you know why having a classic shirt can be fantastic years later.

Do you think we’ve got some good points? If you’re interested in buying a Rick and Morty T-shirt, we have just the shop for you. Www.yourfavoritetshirts.com offers an incredible selection of shirts for all your favorite shows, as well as tons of designs that will let you show off your love of Rick and Morty.

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